Event Registration Terms & Conditions

1. General. The Cyber Innovation Center (the “CIC”) is pleased to host various in-person events including the event you are currently registering to attend (the “Event”). By clicking “Agree” below, you acknowledge and agree to the following terms and conditions related to the Event (the “Terms”). The Terms apply to you and any individual or entity on whose behalf you are engaging in a transaction (the “Registrant”). The CIC and the Registrant shall collectively and interchangeably be referred to herein as the “Parties” or each as a “Party.

2. Event Passes. 2.1 For purposes herein, “Event Passes” shall mean any Event access permissions whether physical or digital including, but not limited to, tickets and badges. 2.2 Event Passes are issued to and may only be used by the Registrant named in the registration. Event Passes may only be transferred if approved in writing in advance by the CIC. 2.3 If the Registrant is unable to attend the Event, the Registrant may request a substitute attend in place of the Registrant by emailing info@cyber.org with the name, email address, and place of employment of the requested substitute attendee. The Registrant will receive via email either approval or rejection of the requested substitution. 2.4 While attending the Event, Registrants must visibly wear their CIC provided Event badge at all times. If Event Passes are not worn or presented in accordance with this section, the CIC reserves the right to deny the Registrant’s entry into the Event. 2.5 Event Passes are only valid if received from the CIC for this particular Event.

3. Event Restrictions. Event participation is subject to certain limitations, including, but not limited to, venue restrictions, age restrictions, and compliance with federal, state, and local laws. Venues may have additional restrictions limiting participation.

4. Refunds Policy. 4.1 The Registrant may cancel their registration for the Event by emailing info@cyber.org, if such email is received by the CIC at least thirty (30) days in advance of the Event. The Registrant will then receive a refund, minus any processing fees. Requests for cancelation received by the CIC less than thirty (30) days in advance of the Event will be rejected and no refund will be issued, regardless of the nature of the request. 4.2 Refunds will not be given for non-attendance of the Event. 4.3 If the Event is cancelled, the CIC will issue a full refund to the Registrant.

5. Lost and Found. The CIC is not responsible for lost or damaged items, and the CIC does not assume any legal liability related to such items. As a courtesy to Registrants, the CIC will maintain a Lost and Found at the Event. Registrants may drop off found items at the Lost and Found or, after the Event, may email info@cyber.org with inquiries regarding lost items. Emails must be submitted within thirty (30) days of the end date of the Event, or the CIC will dispose of the items in the Lost and Found as appropriate.

6. Health and Safety. Registrants hereby agree to comply with the safety, health, and hygiene guidelines that are established by health authorities or by the CIC for the Event.

7. Image Release. The Registrant hereby grants the CIC permission to perpetually use, and to sublicense to third parties, the Registrant’s photograph, image, voice, likeness, and statements for any purpose, including, but not limited to, commercial purposes in any and all media. The Registrant waives any right to royalties, compensation, or credit arising or related to the use of the Registrant’s such image or recording.

8. No Warranty or Liability. The Parties shall provide no warranty and bear no liability to the other Party under these Terms, except in the case of gross negligence or willful misconduct. Under no circumstances shall the CIC be construed to bear liability, or be held liable in any way, for any attendees of events that the Registrant hosts under these Terms, including, but not limited to, students from K-12 schools and related chaperones.

9. Indemnification. Each Party shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the other Party and its officers, directors, agents, and employees from and against any and all losses, liabilities, demands, suits, judgements, and claims, including any reasonable attorney’s fees, to the extent that such losses, liabilities, demands, suits, judgments, claims, or fees are attributable to the willful act, fault, omission, or negligence of the indemnifying Party or its employees, servants, or agents in performing its obligations under these Terms provided, however, that neither Party shall be liable for consequential damages under these Terms.

10. Venue. These Terms shall be governed, construed, and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Louisiana, without regard to conflict or choice of laws principles. Any venue of any and all legal actions or proceedings between the Parties with regard to these Terms shall be in the 26th Judicial District Court, Parish of Bossier, State of Louisiana.

11. Dispute Resolution. If a dispute arises under these Terms, which cannot be settled by mutual good faith negotiations, either Party may submit all claims, disputes, and controversies to mediation administered by the American Arbitration Association, which arbitration shall be a condition precedent to either Party filing any claim or court proceeding under these Terms, and all dispute resolution meeting(s) shall be held in Bossier Parish, Louisiana, in a mutually agreeable location provided that each Party may participate remotely via telephone and/or video conference. All fees shall be paid by the Parties on an equal and shared cost basis.

Sponsorship Terms

12. Sponsorship Terms. 12.1 Articles 12 through 22 shall only apply if the Registrant is registering as a sponsor or an exhibitor of the Event (each referred to herein as a “Sponsor”) by selecting either a sponsorship ticket or an exhibitor ticket on the registration page. 12.2 Such Registrant hereby agrees to be a Sponsor. The CIC will provide certain benefits to the Sponsor depending on the Sponsorship Type selected and as described on the select ticket page (the “Benefits”). The Sponsor agrees to issue a payment (the “Sponsorship Fee”) to the CIC in exchange for such benefits, the exact amount of which is set on the select ticket page.

13. Publication Rights. Without prior written approval, except where expressly provided for in these Terms or as described in the Benefits, neither Party shall make any use whatsoever of the name, marks, insignia, trademarks, or logos of the other Party or of any of its campuses, departments, centers, institutes, or employees whether in news releases, advertisements, promotional materials, or otherwise except that either Party may use the other’s name to the extent necessary to supply information where such disclosure may be required by law. In no circumstances, however, may either Party state or imply that the other endorses a particular investment, product, process, or treatment. Furthermore, these Terms do not grant the Sponsor use of government name, marks, insignia, trademarks, or logos. The Sponsor agrees that it shall not knowingly or intentionally alter the CIC’s logos or manipulate any image(s) thereof by blurring, distorting, or other means of reproduction or display, nor will the Sponsor use any of the CIC’s logos in any way that are not expressly approved in writing by the CIC.

14. Public Release and Publication Permission. The Sponsor must obtain permission from the CIC prior to the public release of any information about these Terms or about the subject sponsorship addressed herein. Public release of information includes divulging any information in regard to these Terms, the existence of these Terms, or the work conducted under these Terms to any individual not previously approved by the CIC for involvement in these Terms. The Sponsor shall not publish any documents originating from these Terms without the CIC’s consent. Should the Parties mutually agree to publicize the partnership hereunder, the language will be mutually agreed upon in writing in advance of public release.

15. Sponsorship Refunds. Should the CIC be unable to provide the Benefits to the Sponsor, the CIC shall issue a refund to the Sponsor for an amount proportionate to those Benefits the CIC was unable to provide. No other refunds will be issued for Sponsorship Fees.

16. Force Majeure. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, neither Party shall be liable for any damages due to delays or failures to perform any obligation under these Terms if such delay or failure results directly or indirectly from circumstances beyond the control of either Party. Such circumstances shall include, but shall not be limited to, acts of God (such as, but not limited to, natural catastrophes, fires, explosions, earthquakes, sinkhole or other subsidence, drought, tidal waves, tornadoes, storms, hurricanes, and floods), acts of war (whether declared or not), hostilities, invasion, act of foreign enemies, acts of the government in either its sovereign or contractual capacity, natural calamities such as pandemics, famine, plagues, epidemics, accidents, other breakdowns or malfunctions, interruptions or malfunction of computer facilities, loss of data due to power failures or mechanical difficulties with information storage or retrieval systems, disruption of telecommunications transmissions, labor difficulties or civil unrest (civil commotions, riots, or acts or threats of terrorism). Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event of such an occurrence, each Party agrees to and shall endeavor to continue to perform its obligations hereunder, so far as reasonably practicable. The affected Party prevented from carrying out its obligations hereunder shall give timely written notice (within 72 hours) to the other Party of an event of Force Majeure upon it being foreseen by, or becoming known to, the affected Party.

17. Use of Sponsor Marks. The Sponsor may specify and make available to the CIC trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, or other commercial symbols of the Sponsor or any of its affiliates (collectively, the “Marks”) in connection with sponsorship of the Event. In doing so, the Sponsor grants the CIC for the term of these Terms only, a nonexclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, license to use such Marks solely for those purposes outlined in Appendix A: Sponsorship Details. The Sponsor reserves all rights to the Marks and any related copyrights, patents, or other intellectual property rights. Except as expressly provided herein, no rights to the Marks are transferred or licensed to the CIC.

18. Warranty Against Infringement. Notwithstanding anything in these Terms to the contrary, the Sponsor warrants that it owns or possesses all rights, title, and licenses to the Marks and that use of the Marks will be free from the rightful claim of any third party for or by way of infringement or misappropriation of patent, copyright, trade secret, trademark or other rights of third parties arising under the laws of the U.S.

19. Notice. Notices and all other communications shall be deemed made if sent to the address shown below or to such other address as a Party may designate by written notice. Notice may, unless otherwise provided herein, be given or served by (a) depositing the same in the United States mail, with postage paid, certified, and addressed to the Party to be notified with return receipt requested; (b) by delivering the same to such Party, or an agent of such Party, in person or by commercial courier; (c) by depositing the same into custody of a nationally recognized overnight delivery service such as Federal Express Corporation, United Parcel Service (UPS), or Airborne Express; or (d) by notice sent via email to one of the email addresses set forth below. Notice deposited in the mail in the manner hereinabove described shall be effective on the third (3rd) business day after such deposit. Notice given in any other manner shall be effective only if and when received by the Party to be notified between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Central Time of any business day. For the purposes of notice, the addresses of the Parties shall be as follows:

If to the Sponsor: The email submitted by the Sponsor when registering If to the CIC: info@cyber.org

20. Assignment. Neither Party shall assign any rights under these Terms nor delegate the performance of any of such Party’s duties hereunder without prior written notification to the other Party.

21. Non-Appropriation. The Parties agree and understand that the execution of these Terms by the Parties is contingent upon the availability of funding on the prime contract between the CIC and the federal government. Notwithstanding anything in these Terms to the contrary, all obligations of the CIC hereunder are subject to the appropriation of sufficient funds by the federal government for such activities and Appendix A: Sponsorship Details. Failure by the United States Federal Government to appropriate funds to the CIC for this effort shall relieve the CIC from any obligation hereunder during the term of the non-appropriation.

22. Compliance with State, Federal, and Local Laws and Regulations. Both Parties shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, regulations, and guidelines, including, but not limited to, the Family Educational and Privacy Act (FERPA-20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) and the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule (COPPA-15 U.S.C. § 6501 -6508).


23. Agreement. The Registrant acknowledges and agrees that the Registrant has read and understands the Terms. By clicking “Agree,” the Registrant agrees to accept, and be legally bound to, the Terms herein. The Terms may be modified only by mutual written consent of authorized officials from both the CIC and the Registrant.