CYBER.ORG, the academic initiative of Cyber Innovation Center, is a cybersecurity workforce development organization that targets K-12 students with cyber career awareness, curricular resources and teacher professional development.

The United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) supports CYBER.ORG through a grant from the Cybersecurity Infrastructure and Security Agency (CISA) to develop and distribute cybersecurity education content to educators across the country at no cost.


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To build a future where the nation’s cybersecurity needs are met by a knowledgeable, skilled, and passionate workforce

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To ensure that every K-12 student gains foundational and technical cybersecurity knowledge and skills

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Empower teachers with resources and training needed to deliver cyber content to students



Cyber Curricula

CYBER.ORG has a team of educators that write integrated cyber curricula for use in K-12. Content ranges from lessons to full courses and is free to any K-12 educator in the US.

Professional Development

We provide comprehensive instruction in friendly, low-pressure learning environments in order to break down the barriers educators experience when it comes to teaching cybersecurity.